Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Today is a day, that I wish I could be lucky enough to forget that I am fasting and drink some water. But you can't plan on forgeting, it doesn't work like that. Enough on that though, on to other issues.

I am not a perfect muslim, no one can claim to be the perfect muslim, we all have our downfalls. so when people say, "oh your a really good muslim." I feel guilty, because in my mind I'm not a very good muslim, sometimes, I forget prayers, sometimes I lie, sometimes I pray late. In other words I am not a perfect muslim, I have a lot of work that I need to do. But I don't like talking about it with people, because, they'll just give me those critizing looks of, "How can you forget such a thing?" "How can you miss that?" And I don't go bragging when I get things right---either, "I don't call up my family, or update my facebook status---"Hello everyone, I prayed all my prayers on time." if someone happens to ask me, I'll tell them the truth, and its simple as that. I remember growing up, my dad used to say, "Praying fajer alone isn't enough." he used to force my brothers to prayer and then later, he just dropped that, and decided to let us make our own choice whether we wanted to pray or not. I had years or months where I didn't pray at all. and I had years, where I prayed on and off. Now for the most part---I make it a point to get all my prayers on time. it's a work in progress--as life is.

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