Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I'm going to make my own little tag---about random things I have done, throughout my 25---almost 26 years of life so far.

1-i wore mismatched clothes to school once---that's what happens when you let your father, choose what your going to wear---I was in grade school.
2-i sewed a dress for my barbie, from left over material, we had left over, after we made sheets for our beds.
3-i have read harry potter book at least once
4---i have read all of the shopaholic books
5--i went to arabic school the first nine years of my life---well i went to english school for two years. but i repeated those same grades in arabic school.
6-i went to france with my brother.
7-i wrote a story and uploaded it on lulu.com
8-i had my tonsils out.
9-i wrote a poem that actually got published in a book.
10-i yelled at a complete stranger when i was fourteen, for staring at me---and to top it off, i was veiled---well the half veiled, but i was still veiled.
11-i fell and tripped and cracked my front tooth, when i was seven
12--my feet fell asleep in the mall, and my dad had to drive the car closer to the entrance, so i wou;dn't have to walk too far, that was embarressing, needless to say, i haven't worn those boots again.
well actually my foot fell asleep, it would have been worse if both my feet had fallen asleep.
13-i painted a picture---the sun reflecting on the sea
14---tried every free diary----weblog----on the internet----I'm sticking to blogger----thought I sometimes----write in wordpress, but not that often

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