Friday, August 5, 2011

I finally watched Fareej, I kept on missing it before, because I thought that it was supposed to come on Sama Dubai, but then finally, I realized its supposed to come on on Duba---and it came on at two am, and not one thirty am---like Jacqi listed, but then again, these arabic channels aren't really known for thier puncualty.

I wonder what resturants don't need reservations during Ramadan, I know that the chience resturant doesn't need reservations, and neither does applebee's, I not sure about the steakhouse though, calorie wise----it all depends on what i order from those places, and on that day, i could skip out on the breakfast---i call my suhoor breakfast---because i eat my suhoor at one or midnight. anyway, back to the resturants----I'm thinking of going to the Steakhouse, I was thinking of indian food, but it tends to be spicy----so yeah, but we'd have to leave early and get there before magreb, because if you get there at magreb time----you'll find that it's crowded, and then there's applebee's, and the chinese resturant---I know that the chiense resturant doesn't need reservations. anyway, I like the chinese resturant---and I haven't been there in a really, really, really long time, and i have been craving seafood soup.
but on the other hand I also like the steakhouse, and sense this is going to be a combined, birthday---and anniversary---and both my husband and i like the steakhouse resturant---i think I would rather go there, but we;d just be sure to get there early, and make reservations if needed.
anyway, or i might keep at the chinese resturant---and just get the soups.

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