Sunday, August 21, 2011

I am seriously thinking, of taking, a degree, from either The American university of London, directly, and if I go through an affliate---than, I am going to make sure that they send all my papers to the university----right now I have to send the university my papers, so that I can get my degree, and then I can either, go on to get a masters, or a Bachelors, depending on what the next university says, that is if I choose to go with them, my inclination is towards, the American university of London, but the main university, and not the affilate----unless, the affliate actually sends my papers to the university---or I will just apply for the main university---and that's all, on the other hand I'm also inclined towards must university. But if I can go right to Masters, in both, than I'll go with MUST but if I can just go for masters, in the american university of london than, I will register with that university---and like I said before if I go with the affilate---I'll either send my registeration papers myself, or regigester with the main university.

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