Sunday, August 21, 2011

I am seriously thinking, of taking, a degree, from either The American university of London, directly, and if I go through an affliate---than, I am going to make sure that they send all my papers to the university----right now I have to send the university my papers, so that I can get my degree, and then I can either, go on to get a masters, or a Bachelors, depending on what the next university says, that is if I choose to go with them, my inclination is towards, the American university of London, but the main university, and not the affilate----unless, the affliate actually sends my papers to the university---or I will just apply for the main university---and that's all, on the other hand I'm also inclined towards must university. But if I can go right to Masters, in both, than I'll go with MUST but if I can just go for masters, in the american university of london than, I will register with that university---and like I said before if I go with the affilate---I'll either send my registeration papers myself, or regigester with the main university.

Friday, August 19, 2011

I feel like breaking something right now. But I don't want to bother with cleaning up the mess, so it's best that I don't break anything.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I am so frustraited right now, my dvds aren't playing----as in my laptop, won't play my dvds, it won't even read them. I don't know why it only reads ONE dvd----they all from the same source, I don't understand why it only plays one and not the rest.
it's really getting on my nerves. I'm thinking to get a portable dvd player with a screen, but i need to make sure it will play american dvds, like the kind you buy in Bahrain---because they have a different region than the ones that you buy here.
At first I wanted a Blackberry---I still want one, but I want to wait for my phone to die, it's already, two years old, so it shouldn't be that long, before I'm saying goodbye to it, and hello to the Blackberry.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I tried to watch season five of I love lucy, but none of the dvds would work, I'm going to try them again later. I don't understand why sometimes these dvds work and other times they don't work.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I love watching Emariti cartoons, like Asfahan. That character is hillarious. I also love watching Fareej, though from the previous episode that I watched it seemed like the episode I watched was the last episode, I'm probably wrong about that though. I'm watching Asfahan now, I'm not sure what's going to come on afterwards, but I'm sure that it's not going to be anything interesting, because I usually change the channel, I think I'll either put mbc action----if Law and order SVU is on, then I'll watch mbc action, and if that's not on, then I'll watch mbc four.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The flinestones---

Growing up, I loved watching the Flinstones, I especially liked Fred----He was funny, I know that it used to come on invenity----I don't think it comes on during Ramadan, at least I haven't checked. Anyway, when I was five, I had a barney doll, and my brother, had the Fred doll, I liked Barney too. I don't like the new Flinstones, when thier kids are older, it's not the same. That's a cartoon, that I liked and I still like, and that's the kind of cartoon, I want my children to follow----God willing if I have any children in the future.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sense Monk, is just reruns, I'm not watching Monk anymore. And sense Blind date, is losing it's appeal for me, I'm no longer watching, that show anymore. and that goes, for America's got talent, not because of reruns, but because of lack of taste.

Friday, August 12, 2011

I need to print out the forms---the second forms because whenever I write the date in english numbers, it switches it to arabic numbers. So we need to get the printer working, or he could bring the smaller printer, from the office, that one worked really well. This one that we have works fine, when the ink isn't damaged. I don't even know how that black ink got damaged in the first place, but this is the second time, that it's been changed, so I hope that it will work, with the new black ink. Anyway, we also need to get pictures taken, I don't know why they need them, but they need them, and I still hate having my picture taken. But that's life. Sometimes, you have to do what you don't like, to get what you want.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Now that I think about it, they did show season two of 90210, on mbc4, I just never saw the first episodes of the season. And I don't recall how it ended either.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I have the craziest sleeping scheldule yet. Today I woke up as they where calling for the last prayer. of course I had also gone to bed a little after the afternoon food, I was planning on staying up, but do you know how difficult it is to stay up, with no food? it's practically impossible. Tomorrow morning, I plan on going to sleep right after I prayer the first prayer of the day. That way I can possibly wake up, either a little before they are calling for the afternoon prayer. And that way, I can actually be awake, to make all my prayers in time. Cause I feel very bad about that.

I didn't do any book reading today. I read a lot of blogs. I looked at pictures of stillborns, it scares me that one day if I ever become pregnant, that my baby could be born dead. I started looking at the pictures, because this blogger, was talking about her daughter that had been born dead, it was just heartbreaking and sad. I didn't leave a comment, because, what do you say to a person who has lost a part of them?
All of the pictures were errie looking, some where deformed, it was just sad, and then I got to thinking about the families who have to bare thier loss, it's one thing to look at a picture, but it's a different thing completely to be right there, to be the brother, the sister, the mother, the father, who has to bare the loss of the baby.

Monday, August 8, 2011

I still haven't finished reading the Other woman, by Jane Greene. I have been so busy catching up on blogs that I just haven't had the free time, to read that book. I noticed that a lot of bloggers are going private. Some offer to send invites to those who are interested in reading thier blogs. I think that's really nice of them to do that.
I have been playing a lot of face book games, well not a lot, just three main games, Baking life----Farmville and Frontierville, I have stopped playing cafeworld after reaching level 102

Friday, August 5, 2011

I finally watched Fareej, I kept on missing it before, because I thought that it was supposed to come on Sama Dubai, but then finally, I realized its supposed to come on on Duba---and it came on at two am, and not one thirty am---like Jacqi listed, but then again, these arabic channels aren't really known for thier puncualty.

I wonder what resturants don't need reservations during Ramadan, I know that the chience resturant doesn't need reservations, and neither does applebee's, I not sure about the steakhouse though, calorie wise----it all depends on what i order from those places, and on that day, i could skip out on the breakfast---i call my suhoor breakfast---because i eat my suhoor at one or midnight. anyway, back to the resturants----I'm thinking of going to the Steakhouse, I was thinking of indian food, but it tends to be spicy----so yeah, but we'd have to leave early and get there before magreb, because if you get there at magreb time----you'll find that it's crowded, and then there's applebee's, and the chinese resturant---I know that the chiense resturant doesn't need reservations. anyway, I like the chinese resturant---and I haven't been there in a really, really, really long time, and i have been craving seafood soup.
but on the other hand I also like the steakhouse, and sense this is going to be a combined, birthday---and anniversary---and both my husband and i like the steakhouse resturant---i think I would rather go there, but we;d just be sure to get there early, and make reservations if needed.
anyway, or i might keep at the chinese resturant---and just get the soups.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I hate it when someone says they are worried about me being in the house too much. and I just think to myself, "Well if your so darn worried about me, staying at home all the time, then why don't you make it a habbit to take me out everyweekend, just because I'm not a little kid, it doesn't mean that I don't need to get out and breath some fresh air," but I never say this, because I realize all the pressure he's going through, and so I just let it go, and I usually don't say anything. there are days where I'll really want to go somewhere, and I'll call, and get a negative response, and then, I'll wait a week, and that week rolls around, and I'll wait for another week.

Now the only time that I go out is for job interviews. I haven't had any interviews yet, and I'm nervous about sending my resume to any company, until I have completely resolved the issue with my university.
I don't want my only outlet to be work, and home, I want to go to the mall, I want to take walks in the park, I miss that huge park, my dad used to take, me and my siblings to, before we moved back to Dammam.

There are times, well all the time, when I wish my husband would offer to take me out walking with him. and besides, if he goes one way, and I go the other way, then he can still have his personal time. Why should I always be the one that always has to compromise by working out on the treadmill, while he's the one that can go walking in the nice fresh air.

of course now the weather is hot and dry----there's no body of water to make it humid, and thus it probably wouldn't be a good idea to go walking in the park, however, there are malls.

Oh god, how I miss going to the mall, I wish we could make it a habit to go to the mall, at least once a week.

It's Friday---just another day of the week. and I am bored, so bored. sometimes I feel like having a baby----just to busy myself. but then I realize that taking care of a baby would take a lot of effort and a lot of patience, and if the baby got on my nerves, I wouldn't have anyone, I could call and ask, to watch the baby for a while. No I would be on my own, and I couldn't exactly call up my husband and ask him to drop his work, and come and take the baby off my hands.
one day, I want to have a baby---when I see babies, my heart longs for one, but like I said before----I don't feel ready to have a baby, I want to do some reading about babies and babycare, and how to keep mentally sane, while being around a baby, that cries constantly.

my mom tells me as a baby, I cried all the time. she and my dad would argue about whether or not someone should come and pick me up, my dad usually won those battles. I can't help but wonder, if I'm a very emotional person---quick to cry because of that. sometimes I wonder, if I would've grown up to be a calm person, had I been left to cry myself to sleep when I was a baby. when my mom suggested that I be left alone to cry myself asleep, it would be after I had been held, bathed, changed, and fed, and cuddled.
but obviously I was a very needy baby, I always needed to be held, I needed attention. if I didn't get attention, I would scream my lungs out.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Today is a day, that I wish I could be lucky enough to forget that I am fasting and drink some water. But you can't plan on forgeting, it doesn't work like that. Enough on that though, on to other issues.

I am not a perfect muslim, no one can claim to be the perfect muslim, we all have our downfalls. so when people say, "oh your a really good muslim." I feel guilty, because in my mind I'm not a very good muslim, sometimes, I forget prayers, sometimes I lie, sometimes I pray late. In other words I am not a perfect muslim, I have a lot of work that I need to do. But I don't like talking about it with people, because, they'll just give me those critizing looks of, "How can you forget such a thing?" "How can you miss that?" And I don't go bragging when I get things right---either, "I don't call up my family, or update my facebook status---"Hello everyone, I prayed all my prayers on time." if someone happens to ask me, I'll tell them the truth, and its simple as that. I remember growing up, my dad used to say, "Praying fajer alone isn't enough." he used to force my brothers to prayer and then later, he just dropped that, and decided to let us make our own choice whether we wanted to pray or not. I had years or months where I didn't pray at all. and I had years, where I prayed on and off. Now for the most part---I make it a point to get all my prayers on time. it's a work in progress--as life is.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I'm going to make my own little tag---about random things I have done, throughout my 25---almost 26 years of life so far.

1-i wore mismatched clothes to school once---that's what happens when you let your father, choose what your going to wear---I was in grade school.
2-i sewed a dress for my barbie, from left over material, we had left over, after we made sheets for our beds.
3-i have read harry potter book at least once
4---i have read all of the shopaholic books
5--i went to arabic school the first nine years of my life---well i went to english school for two years. but i repeated those same grades in arabic school.
6-i went to france with my brother.
7-i wrote a story and uploaded it on
8-i had my tonsils out.
9-i wrote a poem that actually got published in a book.
10-i yelled at a complete stranger when i was fourteen, for staring at me---and to top it off, i was veiled---well the half veiled, but i was still veiled.
11-i fell and tripped and cracked my front tooth, when i was seven
12--my feet fell asleep in the mall, and my dad had to drive the car closer to the entrance, so i wou;dn't have to walk too far, that was embarressing, needless to say, i haven't worn those boots again.
well actually my foot fell asleep, it would have been worse if both my feet had fallen asleep.
13-i painted a picture---the sun reflecting on the sea
14---tried every free diary----weblog----on the internet----I'm sticking to blogger----thought I sometimes----write in wordpress, but not that often