Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I finally got to go to see my friend yesterday. I would have liked to have gone earlier and stayed a while longer. However I'm happy that I finally got to go. And I finally got the pizza that I've been craving for. It's only a once and a month type of thing, so it should be fine. I hate diet books that tell you not to eat fruit? What! I'll think, fruit has natural sugars that are good for you. I know too much of a good thing can be bad, but to completely eliminate it from ones diet, I think that's going over board. I went on the treadmill, I spilt it up into sections---first for twenty minutes, and then I went back on, for fifteen minutes, then I took a short break and went on for another fifteen minutes, which make it a total of fifty minute---next time I'll go on, for thirty minutes take a break and go back on for another thirty minutes---starting from Friday--God Willing.


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Hebah said...

Thank you Catgirl, I will be sure to check out your blog.