Monday, February 13, 2012

we are not perfect.

We are not perfect yet we expect others to be perfect. We make mistakes and expect others to forgive us, but we never admit that we make mistakes. And when people ask us to forgive them for thier transactions we hold back. We remind them of thier past mistakes. We count the number of times they've made that same mistake. And yet we make the same mistakes over and over again, not towards people, but towards the creator. And when we repent the creator forgives us and gives us another chance. He doesn't tell us, "you have made this same mistake x number of times, be careful." He forgives us with open arms (figure of speech) He doesn't make us feel bad for making mistakes, because he knows that we are unperfect, because that is the way he created us. He created us to make mistakes, so that we can go back and repent again. And sure we may make the same mistake numerous times, but we always have faith that when we repent, God, will be there to accept us. We are all humans, we all make mistakes. none of us are perfect. So who are we not to forgive another person's mistakes?

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