Saturday, February 18, 2012

frustrated with myself

I hate to admit this,but I can be slow sometimes or at least of delayed reactations to things. I guess, well no I don't want to guess. Because I don't know what to guess. I mean, I'll see something on tv for example or someone will say something, and I will think nothing of it, and then suddenly after some days, sometimes months, I'll find myself thinking about what was said or what I had seen and I'll sudden understand what the other person meant. I am finding this very frustraited. Because a lot of times, I will be focusing on what the person is saying, without really understanding what they mean or on what's happening on tv, or in a book, and then I forget about it, or I ponder over it, and come up with a conclusion some days later. I guess it's really no surprise that I always needed extra help in school. I hate to call myself stupid. But right now I do feel stupid and what's worse, is that I feel slow. This really isn't easy to admit. I'm not saying that I want to be perfect. because I know that is impossible, no one, can be perfect. All I want is to be able to grasp and understand situations as they arrise. To understand things I've read, things I've heard, without having to ponder over it for days till it finally clicks. I hate when people give me annoyed looks when I don't grasp what they are saying at first even though I will be trying my best to understand what they are saying. I don't know if anyone will understand this. I'm banking on no. But if your someone out there who understands what I'm going through, then I can honestly say that you are not alone. I get frustraited with myself at times. Frustraited that I forget words, forgot what I'm going to say in midsentence, and quickly move on to an other idea, while leaving the first idea just hanging there. I sometimes remember what I was going to say, and go back to the orginal topic and sometimes I don't. In fact a lot of times I don't go back to the orginal idea. I love reading, but I cannot remember anything that I read while I'm reading. I'll read a story without any distractions and I will still forget the names of most of the characters and thier storylines. I start my own stories, and sometimes forget what the story is supposed to be about. It's a work in progress. I didn't make a resoultion list this year but I am going to start one, My goal, is to do my best to grasp situations faster.

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