Saturday, October 8, 2011


To be honest, Steve Jobs death, didn't sadden me at all. I don't mean to be mean or anything, but I've got to be honest. I mean sure it is a sad thing, that the world has lost a creative mind, but that's life, we live and we die, its just the facts of life. I am sad for his family, because they more then anyone, have to live with his loss, they're the ones that have to grief his death. I know that if I was related to him, or at least knew him-- and not just knew about him, I would probably be sad for him. But right now, my heart doesn't ache for him. Though it aches for his family, because they are the ones who have to move on after his death. I heard this interesting quote on a movie, and as far as I can remember it went like this, "Don't worry about those who have moved on to the other side, worry about those who they've left behind."

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