Sunday, October 16, 2011


When the channels on the satilate box went out, I started changing the frequencie's using the numbers that were already there. and for a while nothing worked. for a while I could only get nilesat to work, and then that wouldn't even work, and I was starting to lose patience with it, because I had lost patience with it on Thursday and had thrown the remote control----its fixed now, and I never want to break it again. And then, finally, it went back to the orginal frequency that I had put. Because it wouldn't go to any of the frequency's listed. I seriously don't understand that. So now, I can only watch the mbc group, and mtv, and one tv on one channel, because I don't get nilesat anymore, apperantly, because that is where the doubles of the channels that I watch. Anyway, it's not a big deal, the point is at least I get those channels, and I practically fixed the problem myself. This morning, I had a dream that had a daughter, I knew it was my daughter in the dream, because this guy, in the next car, goes, "She gave birth to a blonde haired girl." I have no idea how my daughter is going to have blonde hair? But I guess stranger things have happened, anyway, I think there are people in my family that have blonde hair. Anyway, I thought it was interesting that she was the spitting image of my sister. I look very similar to one of my aunts and one of my cousins, so it kind of makes sense that in my dream my daughter looked exactly like my sister. My dream daughter that is. Anyway, it probably doesn't mean anything, but whatever. I am watching Blind date on fox series, next is master chef australia. But its going to be a boring epsisode, my favorite epsiodes are the ones that they have the mystery box. Those episodes are the most interesting episodes. Although I don't find the likes of tonights episode interesting I am still going to watch it. Last night I went to bed at two in the morning, and then, I woke up at six in the morning.

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