Thursday, June 16, 2011

Once again I'm rereading all of my books, in an attempt to write better stories. No one is replying to any of my posts on FB which is probably best because I'm just rambling on like usual. I just write whatever comes to mind. I haven't heard from any of my brothers in a really long time, they've got thier own lifes now, and I just don't have anything to say to them anymore, espeically one of my brothers, who thinks that he's got all the anwsers. I wish I didn't have such a "weak heart" meaning that I scare easily, and don't like to take risks, in other words I'm not brave, I would like to be brave, and plunge into new tasks without a second thought. I've had my CV sent to a number of different places, but they want my phone number, and I just can't take the plunge and send out my CV with the added mobile number, I know that my husband and I talked about it once before, and he knows that it is needed, and it would make no sense from them to get to me through my brother in laws phone number, and I already have it posted on another website, and he was fine with that, I just don't know, I think I'm going to brave take the plunge and send out my new CV with the new addition, after all, he knows that his friend asked to see my cv, so he can send it out to his contacts. however I want to be on the save side, save side? I'm being ridiculous I've already gone over this with my husband, and I've already stated that I would rather the potentional employers contact me directly.

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