Monday, June 20, 2011

Breakfast together,

There are days where I wish my Husband and I could have breakfast together, but then there are times, where I am greatful that we hardly have breakfast together, even though we had made an agreement that we'd have breakfast together, except we never really agreed on a schedule,sure taking a freaking, stress and time managment course, is way more important than having breakfast with your wife. I thougt time management would mean that he would spend a little more time here, but it turns out that I was wrong, as usual, I just feel so annoyed right now. Annoyed because he said he would come yesterday, and never came or called, and annoyed, that he probably won't come today,and if he does, it'll just be the same thing, because he doesn't like going out, because he's never in he freaking mood, well it's not my fault those stupid Morons did what they did, why should I take the blame, why should I be the one to pay the price? I think that it's just unfair, completely unfair, I really hate that, there are times when I wish he would call and invite me out, but no, "I'm not in the mood, I'm too this and I'm too that" Well stop beng a freaking victim and go on with your damn life----it's not the end of the world,there are people who have lost billions of thier own money, and you know what they did, they freaking got up and they strived forward. At times I just don't understand anything, all I know is that I'm tired of being stuck in this apartment all day long, I was thinking of calling or textng my husband and seeing if he can take me to the mall today, that's another thing that annoys me, half of the time he doesn't anwser or reply to his texts. I hate it when he tells me that he's going to come over and then doesn't come or call, and I'm just supposed to guess what happened, and I hate it when he says that I'm going to get something in a week, and the week passes and nothing.

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