Sunday, December 19, 2010

Alright---I can either send all my papers to the American university of London, and pay extra for a new professor, or I can just send my transcript to MUST university---online. I'm thinking between sending everything to the American university of London, except that I don't have all of the invoices with me, and thus I might end up owning them a lot more than I actually owe them, I'm thinking they ought to have all the paid bills on record. I'm hoping that my dad or mom will find the remainig invoices at home. Becasuse I don't have any of them with me. I rememember seeing them at home. Anyway, I will send what I have--once the scanner is in working order, and I'll see how much I owe, to complete the program and get my degree. Now on the other hand I can start with a Bacholors program--in the other university, but the only downfall is that I don't understand how the program works. But that's something that can be dealt with. The good point of MUST university is everything is done online, while the other university, everything is done offline, but sense I'll be gong through the university directly and not the affilate---so it will probably be online---i'm not sure, if I should complete my course with the American univesity, or if I should start over in a new university---, if i can't find the rest of the invoices I'll just have to pay the difference, or start over in another university.

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