Saturday, April 3, 2010

Hoping for some good news.

Most recent phone call,
"Hello," in arabic.
"Who is this?"
"Who is this?" Now come on why should I tell you who I am, you're the one calling me! you should be telling me who you are! it should be like this, "Hello, my name is so and so, I would like to speak to so and so."
Not this stupid game of, "Who is it?" Seriosily. I already have enough things to deal with right now, I don't need to add an idiot to the mixture.
In other news I want things to be back to normal. I want to be back home. Inshallah soon, Inshallah soon, I'll be back home for good. Inshallah soon.
That's all I can say at this time. Soon inshallah, I'm starting to sound like a broken record. It's all I think about nowadays, I just think about
going back home, about getting back to my life. Because that's what I really want I want to get back to life. I'm hoping inshallah that sometime this weeek, I'll finally hear some really good news inshallah, because that would be really nice. The thing though is that in this country you never
actually know when they've actually started on something or not, which makes it difficult to put a timeline on it. So I just pray to Allah, that
all of this is done and over with soon,because I really miss my home, and I miss visiting my friend. The point is I miss my new life that I'd started
And I really want to go back to my life.
Please God let there be good news sooon........

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