Sunday, March 3, 2013


My new story is coming along greatly, I'm working on the second part of the story, which I think is going well. right now I'm working on the draft, so I know I will have to go back and proof read it when I am done. Meaning when I get to the forty page mark. Right now, I'm at the fourteenth page mark. I wrote seven pages yesterday and seven pages the day before.
I think seven pages a day, would be a good thing.
I may not always get seven pages, so at the least three pages would be good.

I wish Triond would fix thier image problem at this rate I am going to have to find another website to make money off of, through writing.

Or I will just focus on my blogs and my writing. Because I plan on getting it published once its ready.
Right now its not ready.

Tomorrow if tomorrow comes, I should be going to safeway, of course right now its not sure, so if I don't hear from him, I'll call and see what's going on, or maybe not, or maybe yes. I hate bothering him when he's working unless its a dire emergency, like no drinking water, or electricity.

So I will let him get back to me, and if he doesn't I'll wait till I see him and then ask him point blanky, to take me to the store. and if he says, "When?" "Now would be good."
because i never get a striaght anwser otherwise.

Seeing that I haven't heard from my friend I am going to safely guess that she's not back in Riyadh yet.

I need to get some glass bottles. because this American muslim blogger who lives in Eygpt, takes to boiling her water on the stove for a minute, and then she pours it into glass bottles and stores them in the fridge.

Now I'm not sure, if you can do the same with a plastic cup that doesn't have a cover and put it in the fridge to cool down. i think the point is to boil the bacteria out of the water.
I mean that's the whole point, the whether or not we store it in glass bottles afterwards.

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