Wednesday, March 6, 2013



So this is confussing, I tell an immigration lawyer that I am American, but have been living outside of the United States sense I was seven and a half years old, so in response, the lawyer says, that my husbands visa will be denied because I don't have any ties in the united states. But I have family over there, and the lawyer never asked if I had any family over in the States, he just automatically assumed that just because I have been living over here for so long that I must not have any relatives in the united states.

I want to sit down with my husband and ask him what are the steps that we need to take in order to try for a baby. I am going to make it clear to him, that I understand why we can't ty for a baby right now, but what exactly are the steps that we both need to take.

Actually we've already had that talk, so I think that once we have left this country, than we can talk about babies again, and once I have published my story, and once I have made money online, because that is going to be my new job.

Afterwhich I am going to tell him that I want us to try for a baby.

I am supposed to go to the states for vacation, which should be interesting, to see my brothers again, I haven't seen them in such a long time.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


My new story is coming along greatly, I'm working on the second part of the story, which I think is going well. right now I'm working on the draft, so I know I will have to go back and proof read it when I am done. Meaning when I get to the forty page mark. Right now, I'm at the fourteenth page mark. I wrote seven pages yesterday and seven pages the day before.
I think seven pages a day, would be a good thing.
I may not always get seven pages, so at the least three pages would be good.

I wish Triond would fix thier image problem at this rate I am going to have to find another website to make money off of, through writing.

Or I will just focus on my blogs and my writing. Because I plan on getting it published once its ready.
Right now its not ready.

Tomorrow if tomorrow comes, I should be going to safeway, of course right now its not sure, so if I don't hear from him, I'll call and see what's going on, or maybe not, or maybe yes. I hate bothering him when he's working unless its a dire emergency, like no drinking water, or electricity.

So I will let him get back to me, and if he doesn't I'll wait till I see him and then ask him point blanky, to take me to the store. and if he says, "When?" "Now would be good."
because i never get a striaght anwser otherwise.

Seeing that I haven't heard from my friend I am going to safely guess that she's not back in Riyadh yet.

I need to get some glass bottles. because this American muslim blogger who lives in Eygpt, takes to boiling her water on the stove for a minute, and then she pours it into glass bottles and stores them in the fridge.

Now I'm not sure, if you can do the same with a plastic cup that doesn't have a cover and put it in the fridge to cool down. i think the point is to boil the bacteria out of the water.
I mean that's the whole point, the whether or not we store it in glass bottles afterwards.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

being more assertive.

I woke up at eleven twenty eight this morning. which is the earliest i have woken up in a really long time.
I notice that I tend to be scared of my own shawdow, mostly i get scared or nervous of angrying someone but I need to stop doing that.
So in future when i see my husband again---usually he goes on buisness trips, so anyway,
when he gets back from his trip again----i am going to just ask him to take me to safeway,
no going around in circles, just simply ask to go to safeway, and he can either say yes or no, or, suggest another day.
and we have already agreed for the most part on monday,
however if we can't go for any reason, and he calls and says he can't take me, then i'll ask if he can take me on Tuesday,
I am hoping that i will be visit to see my friend on Monday, but seeing as that she hasn't gotten back to me yet, I am going to take a wild guess and say that she hasn't gotten back, so whether or not
she's in the city or not, I still want to go to Safeway, because the point is to go to safeway, and if not Monday than Tuesday.
Because any other day is out of the question.
and while i am there, i'll pick up, the garbage bags, shampoo, dish soap, and floor cleaner and new sponges.