Monday, November 26, 2012


I am almost through with my task of getting information for starting and running an online company, I got all the information and then I translated it into arabic, and I saved it, in a draft of an email which I'm going to send to my husband. Speaking of husband, I need to call him tomorrow, because it has been a while sense I last called, or I could send him a message, soon, I need to make train reservation, I have prolonged my stay, it hadn't been my plan at first, but sense I was giving the green light, to stay as long as needed, but at the same time I don't want to stay to long at the same time. Anyway, as I was saying I got the bit about having an online company, buying and selling online, and I also had information on the common laws of incorporation, but reading through it again, because I had to retranslate it, I realized that it would be a compele waste of time, because A, you have to have, a board of directors, you have to to have a registered name in the state, or any other state in other words, Parterships and Sole propretorships don't count, and so it would be a complete waste of time, to find out what the laws of corporation in the states are, plus you need to have an actual address in the states, but due to the fact, the we don't have a board of directors, the address in the states wouldn't really matter. I guess people don't really count on how much work is really needed to open a corporation, or to incorporate a company, I did however, download a ton of forms, about resigerting a name in a state, registering as an unamerican business, I have to go through all of the forms.
I have told my husband about the trials of starting an offline business and he told me to focus an online one, I did send him an email before in english, and this time it's going to be in arabic.

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