Monday, August 9, 2010


I don't understand how Christians can follow a book that's been changed so many times. Plus I don't understand how they think that Jesus as the son of god. Think of it for a second, if Jesus had been the son of god, would he need to pray his own father? Think about the lord's prayer, that you christians say, does it have any mention of Christ, Jesus, being together with god? for example he says, "Thy kingdom come," he does not say, "Our kingdom come." had he been together with God he would have said the latter. Another thing,where in the whole bible does Jesus say, I am god worship me, yet you still have christians, praying to Jesus, and walking around telling people that Jesuse is thier savoir. Even the Rock stars, and the Hip Hop artist, thank Jesus for all what they have. I mean you people, beleive a man was cruicified on the cross for your sins, if that's true, than why then is every baby born with sin? I've always wondered how any person can beleive that God the creator would have a son? it just doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever. So if any Christians read this blog, or happen to stumble upon this post I would like some exlainations. thank you.

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