Friday, July 16, 2010

about books

I haven't been to any bookstores in such a long time. |It's not that I need any more books, or want to spend anymore money on any new books. I wouldn't know what to do with all the new books. I barely know what to do with the books I've already got. I could write revisions on them and than sell them. .But who's going to want to buy an old book. They've got used bookstores here that I know of, they won't give me much for the books, but at least they'll give me something, and it'll be a good way of getting rid of a book, without throwing it away. Cause I've thrown out a couple of books. Some of which I beleive were the Sweet Valley high books. don't even ask me how I managed to do such a stupid thing. Because I don't know. I really liked those books, now if I were to go back and read them, I probably wouldn't like them as much. Because I'd think that there way to simple. I'm more into more serious reading nowadays, and not reading about the trites and tribulations of twins in high school. I liked reading them back when I was a preteen and a teen. Because in some tiny way I could relate to them.

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