Monday, November 30, 2009

Here's what I don't get is if someone knows that I'm here in Dammam visiting my family, why don't they call and arrange a time to come see me? Why do I always have to be the one to arrange a time for someone to feel obligated to have me as thier guest. At least my friend called and invited me over back in Riyadh. And one day when everything is all set in the Apartment is all ready, I'll return the favor. Seriously it gets on my nerves. Or how the only reason they invite you over is because they want you to teach others english. I don't mind helping people, I just wish that someone would invite me over, would arrange a time to see me, because they feel pleasure in seeing me. I mean am I really that horrible. That no one can just call on thier own and invite me over? I understand that people get busy, but I know for a fact that these people invite people to thier home, so it's not something that just isn't done because they are too busy.
That just has me annoyed right now. If she wants to see me, she can call.

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