Saturday, October 10, 2009

Bride Wars ---random

I'm watching Bride Wars. Anne Hathaway and Kate Hudson star, and that lady from Third Rock from the sun also plays on it, but so far I think she only has a small role on the movie---though I could be wrong about that. So don't quote me on it. I hate how once I turn off the A.C the room gets really hot and then when I turn it on, the room gets really cold really fast. There's just no winning. We where supposed to get the screens fixed before I got married and they never got around to it. Anyway, I hope my dad comes back with some good news from Jeddah, I've been worrying about him lately. Anyway I might start working right away when I get back to Riyadh inshallah. I've been thinking of going back so much lately. Anyway I hate Galaxy bars, Galaxy milk isn't that bad, way better than thier bars or candies.

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